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Theme: “Welcome to the Great Britain” Aims of the lesson - to develop skills. Habits of orall speech, reading. Tasks of the lesson- to widen pupils knowledge about Great Britain, to teach pupils to speak about English speaking countries. Procedure of the lesson: I. Organization moment - Good morning, children1 -Good morning, teacher! Hello, hello, hello Hello, how are you? I like to be with you And you, and you and you?
-How are you today? - Now, very good, thank you. Sit down, please. Now, let’s begin our English lesson.
Phonetic exercise. Look here, name the letter, please - W w [w] Why do you cry, Willie? Why do you cry? Welcome to Great Britain! Children, today we shall go to an excursion to Great Britain.
1) Now look at the map and show: 1. The UK, capital - London. England capital - London 3. Scotland capital - Edinburgh 4. Wales capital - Cardiff 5.
Northern Ireland capital- Belfast. Now, very good. 2) I invite you to see very interesting places of the UK (Presentation, showing slides) 3) Children, you saw interesting places of Great Britain and now answer my questions: 1. How many countries consist of the UK?
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England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland - are in 3. What is the capital of the UK, England? Who is the head of the UK? Can you say the name of a very popular poet of England? Can you say a proverb about an Englishman’s house? What is a popular skirt worn by Scotland men, women, children? 4) Look at the sentences and say true or false: 1.
London is the capital of Scotland- false 2. The UK consists of 4 parts - true 3. The heart of London is City - true 4. The Queen is the head of the UK - true 5. The large clock in one of the towers is Big Ben - true 6.
Not many people visit the UK - false 5) Read the beginning of the sentence in section A and find the end of it in section B: 1. There are in fact 3 cities in London 2.
London stands on 3. There are 27 bridges 4. More than 7 million people 5. There are 8 tunnels 6. London is 46 kilometers 7. London is 58 kilometers a) the river Thames b) over the river Thames c) live in London d) under the river Thames e) the City, the East End, the West End f) from east to west g) from north to south 6) The next task is: exclude: 1.
The UK consists of: a) England b) Scotland c) France d) Wales e) Northern Ireland 2. In the UK people speak the following languages: a) English b) Scottish c) Chinese d) Welsh e) Irish 3. The flowers - national emblems of the countries of the UK: a) rose b) thistle c) leek, daffodil d) tulip e) shamrock, flax 4. English cities: a) London b) Oxford c) Cambridge d) New York e) Manchester 7) Children, in your notebooks write down your associations when you hear Great Britain or the UK 8) Reflexation: Children, did you like today’s lesson?
What new facts you have learned from the lesson? Our lesson is coming to the end. Your marks: (song “I’ll go to live in London”). Phonetic exercise. [w] Why do you cry, Willie? Why do you cry?
Welcome to Great Britain! Children, today we shall go to an excursion to Great Britain.
1) Now look at the map and show: 1. The UK, capital - London.
England capital - London 3. Scotland capital - Edinburgh 4. Wales capital - Cardiff 5.
Northern Ireland capital- Belfast. Now, very good.