Software Untuk Membuat Barcode Harga

11 Software untuk Membuat Barcode Gratis Terbaik. Oleh Firman Herdiansyah. Aplikasi Gratis Terbaik untuk Membuat Barcode 1. ByteScout BarCode Generator. Bytescout Barcode Generator dapat menghasilkan beberapa gambar barcode yang berbeda dalam berbagai format output gambar. Format yang didukung antara lain: PNG, TIFF, JPG, BMP dan GIF.
This video tutorial shows you how to create and print bar-code labels in Microsoft Word by using the TBarCode Office Add-In. Video auf Deutsch: This is how it works: Start Microsoft Words and use the integrated feature 'mail merge' to create your barcode labels. Any linear or 2D barcode like UPS, EAN or QR codes can be inserted with TBarCode Office easily. Just integrate your own data list and you can print custom bar code labels in less than 3 minutes. TBarCode Office is the ideal bar code extension for linear, GS1 and 2D bar-code printing!
This flexible bar code add-in supports more than 100 different barcodes. Among them are linear and 2D barcodes like Code128, Code39, EAN, UPC, EAN128, Data Matrix, QR Code, PDF417, Aztec Code, GS1 DataBar. Microsoft Word/Excel 2007 and higher are supported! The generated barcodes can be printed with all printers. The bar codes are created in the best output quality.
No special printer extensions or barcode fonts are required. A free demo of TBarCode Office is available on TEC-IT's website -.

Copyright: TEC-IT Datenverarbeitung GmbH, Steyr, Austria Music: Track Mirteaux from the Album Newborn Butterflies by StrangeZero.