Shining Wind Ps2 English Iso

English patch for Shining Wind Ps2 game. Patch translates game iso to english. Sakura-Sou no Pet na Kanojo. English patch for Shining Wind Ps2 game. Patch translates game iso to english. Tag: english patch, ps2, rpg, shining wind. (PS2)Shining Wind Hyouun's SoulBlade - Duration. English Location. Shining Wind is an action role-playing game developed by Nextech and Amusement Vision and published by Sega for the PlayStation 2, and the 18th game in the Shining video game series. It was released on May 17, 2007 in Japan. The game is the sequel to Shining Tears.
Spoke with Walchy (from the SF3 translation project team) about this at SO:UK, and sadly it's not likely. In regards to the translation itself, most of this had been done already by former members such as Aspartate, Fallen Angel and Landius - who have not been active on SFC for years. A lot of the 'translation' work being done now is more of a revision of odd names and sections to get the to sound more like proper English than direct translations. On the technical side, you'd need to have people with decent knowledge of hacking PS2 games, which the team don't really have. The SF3 project only really happened because knightofdragon came along and offered up some hefty info on hacking Saturn games.
On the appreciative side, most (if not all) of the folks working on the SF3 project are doing so through big love of SF3 and how eagerly they and many others have wanted the untranslated parts of (arguably) Camelot's best game in the Shining series to be playable in English. That love for Shining Wind.
Isn't really felt. Corel video studio x9 serial key. My recommendation would be to find people who are interested in the game and seeing how eager they are to work on a translated script. Bear in mind that such tranlations can take a lot of time and effort, though. StorMyu wrote:Also because PS2 is hard to manipulate. And if the game is not 'made' for a translation, you have to change lots of code sometime just to get a proper size for the font (as an example of course) some 2 kanji which translated take at least 6/7 character and goes offscreen and stuff like that. Anyway, without any decent PS2 programmer you can't go very far.
PS2 is VERY easy to manipulate if you have FreeMcBoot.It should contain some normal fonts,but most likely only capital letters are there.If the game's engine is similar to Neo and Ikusa (EXA),then this one shouldn't be too hard,as EXA was already undubbed (probably Neo too).I know the undubs are not translations,but the packing method should be similar and access to game's data should be open. Xan1242 wrote:PS2 is VERY easy to manipulate if you have FreeMcBoot.It should contain some normal fonts,but most likely only capital letters are there.If the game's engine is similar to Neo and Ikusa (EXA),then this one shouldn't be too hard,as EXA was already undubbed (probably Neo too).I know the undubs are not translations,but the packing method should be similar and access to game's data should be open. Just to show you an example of how you're terribly wrong: Mana Khemia 2 PSP (only came out in Japan even if the PS2 version came out in USA) someone attempt to translate it since the games are 'similar' Do you really think it's the same text function? Thing is: It's not because a US games got localised that a similar game will be that easy to do.
They don't just translate they also changes part of the code to make it playable or readable to us (like that font problem) and I'm not talking about PS2 being easy to manipulate just because you can read ISO, I'm talking about having access to a decent debugger to be able to track down part of code to change them accordingly to your desire. Also, Undubbing is only about replacing Audio sample into the US games, which does not involve any further change, and that's really easy compared to a translation. Tl;dr: it's not that simple, nuff said. Need debugging?Get an emulator,per se.Want a real unit?Get a debug PS2 or even a normal PS2 with a network adapter could output debugging console. I said that if we have the access to game's data,we can change text and fonts!Recoding is unnecessary.What they do is that they just change the fonts and text data.If they are already there,even better! Indeed just going in the disc image doesn't make you easier to manipulate,that is why someone probably already found out the archiving methods to get full access to game's data.And you said that the PS2 was hard to manipulate,which is just wrong. The game is hard to manipulate.You have to be more specific.