Project Igi 2 Covert Strike 2003 Pc Iso Download

Download IGI 2 Covert Strike PC Game Free. Download IGI 2 with single direct link from here. IGI 2 Covert Strike is a first person shooter game. A quiet take down will give a critical playing point in IGI 2. Size of Project IGI 2 Covert Strike Highly Compressed file is 175 MB.
2003 First Person Shooters: Third Person Shooters: Free Fan-Made Games: Simulations: ShootEm Up 2D/3D: FPS Year Summary - 2003 was originally a popular fan mod for Half-Life before going retail even though it actually preceded the World War II FPS fad that exploded in 2002. It is realistic - you get tired if running too long, you can kneel or lie down to get better aim and communicate by voice to your fellow soldiers. Was another big hit set in World War II that recreates actual historical missions. You can parachute into battle, operate a tank, blow up bridges and dams, and the enemy A.I.
Cooperates with each other to make things tough for your own comrades who will help you out. Was originally to be an addon multiplayer for Return To Castle Wolfenstein before being scrapped but the developer decided to release it free to the public.
It's a solid tactical team-based game of Allies vs Axis with 5 different classes of soldier with different abilities. It rewards those who help out team members with experience points so one-man armies won't stand a chance. Day Of Defeat Call Of Duty Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory was a solid title that moved the battlefield away from the overly used World War II venue to the more recent jungle-based Vietnam War. Previous titles in this venue were budget games. You could go into Vietcong tunnels, ride a skimboat on the rivers and call in air-strikes. Was a nice-looking update of the sci-fi movie with neon-bathed internal PC landscapes. Using the Lithtech engine, the game has you encountering characters signifying programs and viruses, firewalls, and the famous light cycle transports in a fun FPS with RPG elements.
Was yet another successful Tom Clancy franchise released 3 months after the XBox version. It involves stealth missions where Sam Fisher, in third-person view, can crouch, rappel, shimmy, cross horizontal wires, zip using a zip cord, and do a split jump.
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He can lay traps, hide and drop from ceilings, peer under doors with a bendy cam and interrogate captured hostages. Vietcong Tron 2.0 Splinter Cell was a huge hit launch title for the XBox two years before it finally came to the PC. Bungie which had acclaim for its Marathon series on the MAC now brought their talent to one of the best-selling series ever. The ability to make maps for the game in the later released Custom Edition free addon has kept some interest in it on PC from fans. You are a supersoldier of a race being exterminated by aliens and battling them guerilla style on vehicles and with teammates against the more numerous foe on an artificial ring world.
Was one of the first games to be on the DVD format for PCs which had been shipping with more dvd drives than cd-rom ones since 2001. The game installed a huge 7GB on your hard-drive and as games used ever more complex graphics, the multi-cd switching of the past now could be solved with the large sized dvd format. As piracy of games increased throughout the decade in a post-Napster world of file sharing, dvds also added large protection files to make it harder for people to download copies. Was a unique-looking shooter using 3D cel-shaded animation which is more commonly used in console titles.