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The DecisionTools Suite is an integrated set of programs for risk analysis and decision making under uncertainty that runs in Microsoft Excel. The DecisionTools Suite includes @RISK for Monte Carlo simulation, PrecisionTree for decision trees, and TopRank for “what if” sensitivity analysis. In addition, the DecisionTools Suite comes with StatTools for statistical analysis and forecasting, NeuralTools for predictive neural networks, and Evolver and RISKOptimizer for optimization.
All programs work together better than ever before, and all integrate completely with Microsoft Excel for ease of use and maximum flexibility. @RISK, PrecisionTree, Evolver, StatTools, and NeuralTools offer an Excel Developer’s Kit (XDK), which allows you to automate and customize the tool within Excel using Excel’s built-in VBA programming language. The XDK for @RISK has been updated to include new functionality for the automation of @RISK graphs and simulation filters, as well as several additional improvements.
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For all products, the XDK now includes a new “Automation Guide” to help you get started quickly. In addition, new videos and example files have been added to all XDKs to help you use this powerful feature. See XDK videos.
Textbooks Bundled with Palisade Software Palisade software is a key component of an increasing number of top college textbooks published today. The following books include specific examples built around Palisade software. All include special student textbook versions of @RISK, DecisionTools Suite, StatTools, Evolver, and/or @RISK for Project software. Professors having questions about older versions of Palisade student software should contact Palisade below. Used at top business schools worldwide, over 40,000 students per year are learning Palisade software. Click on the book cover or title to read more from the publisher’s web site, and to contact the publisher to get the book for your class.
Books are alphabetical by title. » Palisade also publishes textbooks utilizing @RISK and other software. See also but do not ship with student versions. If you have questions about Palisade student software, please contact Palisade Academic Sales: +44 1895 425050 By Andrew Seila, Vlatko Ceric, and Pandu Tadikamalla Published 2003 This book provides the student with both a conceptual introduction to the concepts of simulation modeling and practical experience with real examples using popular commercial simulation packages @RISK and Arena. The coverage includes Risk Simulation, Dynamic Systems, and Discrete Event Simulation models.
Throughout the text, the authors show readers how they can use simulation in the context of decision making. Practical examples from operations management, manufacturing, health care, and finance are included throughout to give students an appreciation for the wide scope of application and the robust nature of simulation modeling. Published 2002 By Tarek Hegazy For senior-level courses in Construction Project Management, and undergraduate/graduate-level courses in Computer-Aided Construction Management, this text views basic project management concepts from an information technology perspective.