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Contents • • • • • • Career [ ] Born into a family descended from, Tagame began his career as a manga artist in 1982 while studying at (多摩美術大学). On a trip to Europe, he discovered the American hardcore S&M gay magazine featuring drawings by, who made a strong impression on his art.
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Uladzmr karatkevch prezentaciyu. At this time, another collection of his poetry, Viacherniia Vetrazi (Evening Winds, 1960) and a book of prose, Blakit I Zolata Dnia (The Blue and Gold of the Day, 1961) were published. The latter one included a number of stories and two historical novellas, Sivaia Legenda (A Grey Legend) about the people's uprising in Mogilev region in the 17th century and Tsyganski Karol (The Gypsy King), set in the second half of the 18th century, about the upheavals in the life of the Belarusian nobleman Mikhal Yanouski, the local gypsy 'monarch' Yakub Znamiarouski of Lida, and the 'republicans' who opposed him.

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