Diskcryptor Portable

DiskCryptor is often referred to as an open source alternative to Bitlocker if you don’t have a Bitlocker capable Windows, and with compatibility from Windows 2000 up to Windows 8.1/Server 2012, it’s certainly more compatible than Bitlocker. Once the process is complete copy the portable exe onto the visible partition of.
Is a program similar to that lets you encrypt your USB drive. Once it is encrypted, everything that you store will be encrypted automatically by the program. Important: - The next time you plug your USB drive, Windows will propose you to format it because it does not recognize a known file system on the USB stick. Ignore this message and mount your USB stick with the program (with the correct password, of course) to use it. - It is impossible to remove the password of your USB key as the data encryption is based on the password that you have set in advance. - By against, you can decrypt your USB key permanently by indicating the password a last time. Encrypt your USB key To begin, download and install ' and run it.
Then, to encrypt a USB drive, select the partition of your USB key from the list and click the 'Encrypt' button. Note: - In our case, it is an USB key 'Sandisk Cruzer 8GB' - Encrypting an USB key doesn't erase the USB key first, but encrypts the data that is already there (if applicable). Let the algorithm 'AES' as the encryption algorithm. This algorithm is very good and it is also used by U.S. Federal agencies. Enter a password to protect your USB key. Important: - Because you store sensitive data in this encrypted container, it's very important to use a strong password (uppercase, lowercase, numbers, special characters and a minimum length of 8 characters).

- In addition to your password, you can also use one or more key files that are a kind of very complicated password which will be required for each mounting of the encrypted container. An attacker must therefore have the correct password + the correct key file to access your data. In this scenario, an attacker will not be able to find in brute-force the 2 secure passwords to be used simultaneously.
- You can not store your key files on your USB key because the usb key is inaccessible without the key files. However, the use of key files is optional. To add key files, check the 'Use Keyfiles' box and click the 'Keyfiles' button. Then, click the 'Generate Keyfile' button to generate a new random key file. Save the key file where you want but don't lose this file.
If you lose it, you also lose the data that is on your USB key. DiskCryptor will ask if you want to use this key file. Note: With TrueCrypt you had to do it manually. Now that the key file was created and added to the list, click 'OK'. Then, wait while the program encrypts your USB key.
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The process can take a long time. Everything depends on the size of your USB key and your computer's performance. Note: For information, encryption of our USB key 8 GB lasted for half an hour. Once your USB key will be encrypted, it will be mounted automatically by the program.