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3522d ago A decent PC costs more than an Xbox 360 also the gaming experiences differ greatly between the 2. If you had the interface and network design of the 360 Live system exactly on the PC then yes no argument. However PC gamers will always have the upper hand with mods, visuals etc but that depends on how big their wallets are especially when they boast about ultra high res, higher AA and multitexturing etc. Oh and the 360 GPU is a DX9.5 equivelant as it shares some of the features from DX10 but the features in the 360 GPU that would make it fully DX10 has been locked out. 3522d ago Dude, even on medium setting the pc will still trounce the console version. AND no you don't need to spend alot more than a 360 to get a 'decent' PC. For around $500(AUS) you can get a Intel duo core or AMD quad core set up with a mid range G card (9800GT or HD4850) and it will kill the 360 in performance.
And your argument about live is lame, why would pc gamers want a multiplayer interface that is specifically designed for a console? 'Oh and the 360 GPU is a DX9.5 equivelant as it shares some of the features from DX10 but the features in the 360 GPU that would make it fully DX10 has been locked out.' LOL, the 360 gpu is like 4 yrs old, it is at MOST as powerful as a 7800gt. NO card during that generation could perform DX10 i highly doubt it has a secret compartment in which DX10 is 'locked' out.You can keep dreaming on that someday your 'heater' can match the power of a PC. 3522d ago Looking at these two games they're slightly different but not one has a clear advantage over the other. A shadow is missing one one but the lighting is better.
Textures are sharper but color palette looks less realistic. Clearly this should have ended up a tie, but they give the 360 the edge for a missing shadow. Look no further than the comparison for BlazBlue.

Lens of truth gives the game a tie, stating the game was identical on all fronts except the 360 control was an issue. They stated when they wanted to move left they'd more often crouch or jump. They give the game a tie. Now, for me a fighting game that's identical on all fronts but one game you can't control the fighter reliably - that's a deal breaker. Again, another case of 'just one site's opinion,' that doesn't prove anything other than lens of truth seems to offer a 360 bias when the games are near identical. Metacritic scores are far more useful indicators of how the different versions stack up rather then these 'This one site says so,' comparisons.
I think I'll take the overwhelming thumbs ups from critics over one nitpicking site. And so far, metacritic shows overwhelmingly that PS3 multiplats are the better choice in 2009. 3521d ago (Edited 3521d ago ) jesus darkie. You never were one for detail, were you. The fact that you are still clinging to metacritic averages, to make specific ingferences, says a lot about you. It is clear that you will skew any data set, accept any angle, just to dilute and deny what doesn't fit your agenda.
What is evident is that you prefer 'apples to oranges comparisons' while completely ignoring the only relevant 'apples to apples comparisons' You are just getting sadder by the day, darkie. 3521d ago Lens of Truth is just one sites opinion, and they compare only a fraction of the games out there, and even then their own comparisons are sometimes questionable. I'm not clinging to metacritc, I refer to metacritic because it's the industry standard. It's what companies use when figuring out who gets charged what for royalties, it's what Microsoft uses when figuring out what titles to take down from XBL, it's what wall street uses ahead of sales data when predicting a company's stock price. Lens of truth has barely 30 comparisons. They're used by no one but fanboys, they compare unfinished demo codes, they make huge leaps in their final verdicts that sometimes defy logic.but you cling to them when there's reputable review sources available. What does that say about you.
Again, whenever you know your beat, out come the personal attacks. 3521d ago wtf is the matter with you? Personal attacks? Are you little Ms Super sensitive all of a sudden?
You seem Hyper-vigilant to the point of nervous paranoia. Fact is, your metacritic argument was shot down. Fact is, you unfortunately used an 'apples to oranges' fallacy.
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The yardstick that gamers use, when truly evaluating multiuplats, are the 'apples-to-apples' comparisons on websites such as eurogamer and LOT. You won't see framerates, resolution, textures, torn frames, loading times etc, compared on metacritic. For that, you need an 'apples to apples' comparison. Don't insult the userbase on n4g with your double standards and Sony PR work. It's beyond a joke.